Coupon Tactics


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Coupon Media Definitions

This article outlines the primary media methods through which marketers can distribute coupons to consumers, as well as the various media formats associated with each method.

Since consumer promotional response can vary across media, it is important to code your media choices as accurately and precisely as possible. By doing so, you can maintain data integrity while enhancing the accuracy and reliability of redemption and forecasting information.

Within the primary Media Methods, numerous Media Formats are available for distributing coupons and other discounts to consumers. When coding a coupon offer, it is important to select the most precise Media Format that applies.

For questions about which Media Methods and Formats are most appropriate for coding your offers, please contact NCH Analytics. You may also click on the Media Methods below to learn more about their associated Media Formats, or click here for a printable list of coupon media definitions.


Coupons distributed to consumers offering them the option to print the coupon at home or download it directly to a loyalty card or ID. Both methods share the same offer code.

Blended Print At Home and Paperless — Coupons distributed to consumers offering them the option to print the coupon at home or download it directly to a loyalty card or ID. Both methods share the same offer code.


Coupons sent directly to consumers in response to consumer requests.

Bounceback Coupons sent directly to consumers in response to consumer requests. Typically, the consumer mails their name, address and sometimes proof of purchase(s) to the manufacturer, and the manufacturer mails a coupon to the consumer in return.

Consumer Relations

Coupons sent directly to consumers in response to consumer complaints or concerns.

Consumer Relations Coupons mailed directly to consumers in response to consumer complaints or concerns.

Daily Newspaper

Coupons distributed via daily newspapers.

Daily Newspaper – General Coupons distributed via daily newspapers. Coupons should be coded in this manner only when no other more specific Daily Newspaper Formats are applicable.

Daily Newspaper Broker Ad Coupons printed in daily newspapers that were contracted by outside representatives of the manufacturer. Typically, distribution is not controlled by the manufacturer.

Daily Newspaper Comics

Coupons printed in the cartoon section of the daily newspaper.

Daily Newspaper Custom Corporate FSI Coupons appearing in four-color advertisements in single or multiple page formats. The advertisements are inserted loose into daily newspapers and are each sponsored by a single manufacturer.

Daily Newspaper Door-to-Door Coupons delivered via daily newspaper delivery, either inserted into a newspaper bag, printed on the newspaper bag or printed on a cardboard band that is bound around the newspaper.

Daily Newspaper FSI Coupons appearing in four-color, pre-printed advertisements in single or multiple page formats. The advertisements are inserted loose into daily newspapers.

Daily Newspaper Magazine Supplement Coupons printed in magazine supplements of the daily newspaper.

Daily Newspaper On-Page Co-Op Coupons printed on daily newspaper pages along with other coupons from multiple manufacturers.

Daily Newspaper On-Page Solo Coupons from a single manufacturer appearing in a regular run-of-press (ROP) advertisement.

Digital Paper

Coupons discovered via the Internet and printed on a computer printer.

Print At Home Coupons discovered via the Internet and printed on a computer printer.

Digital Paperless

Coupons distributed without the use of paper.

Military Paperless Coupon distributed exclusively to military personnel/families without the use of paper. They can either be downloaded to commissary loyalty cards or consumer ID.

Paperless Coupons distributed without the use of paper. They can either be downloaded to retailer loyalty cards or consumer ID. Excludes offers distributed to military personnel/families.

Paperless Rebate Paperless coupons where the savings are realized after the purchase has been validated, as opposed to point of sale.

Direct Mail

Coupons delivered to consumers through the mail.

Direct Mail – General Coupons delivered directly to consumers through the mail. Coupons should be coded as Direct Mail – General only when more specific Direct Mail Formats do not apply.

Direct Mail Annual Report Coupons inserted into company annual reports and delivered directly through the mail.

Direct Mail Calendar Coupons attached to or printed on calendars and delivered directly through the mail.

Direct Mail Catalog Coupons printed in company catalogs or product catalogs and mailed to consumers.

Direct Mail Co-op Coupons for more than one manufacturer that are delivered directly to consumers through the mail.

Direct Mail Envelope Type Envelope containing coupons for one or more manufacturers that is delivered directly to consumers through the mail.

Direct Mail FSI Coupons sent through the mail appearing as four-color advertisements.

Direct Mail Newsletter Coupons inserted in newsletters and delivered directly through the mail.

Direct Mail Solo A single manufacturer coupon delivered directly to consumers through the mail.

Direct Mail with Sample Coupons delivered through the mail along with samples of the featured products.


Coupons distributed to consumers by hand or through other dispensing methods. Handout coupons may be distributed either in the store or away from the store.

Handout – General Coupons distributed to consumers by hand or through other dispensing methods. Handout coupons may be distributed either in the store or away from the store. Coupons should be coded as Handout – General only when no other more specific Handout Formats are applicable.

Handout Booklet Co-op Coupons in flexible book form, distributed by an individual manufacturer along with other manufacturer coupons.

Handout Booklet Solo Coupons from a single manufacturer handed out in flexible book form.

Handout Catalog Coupons printed in company catalogs or product catalogs that are handed to prospective buyers.

Handout Door-to-Door Coupons delivered directly to residents, generally left hanging on door knobs.

Handout CheckoutCoupons dispensed at retail stores through their third-party sponsors via an electronic device.

Handout Checkout, Buy More Save More Catalina Buy More Save More “$ off next shopping order” coupons are printed for consumers as a reward for meeting required purchase multiples on participating products. The details of the purchase requirements and corresponding reward coupon values are communicated to consumers via targeted announcements distributed by Catalina in-store printers prior to the reward period. With this medium consumers are unaware of the discount offer until they checkout. Consumers receive a Catalina announcement of a discount to be offered in the near future. On their next shopping trip when consumers meet required purchases, they will receive a coupon at the checkout. This will be good on a subsequent trip. This encourages consumers to plan their next shopping trip since the announcement they receive is advertising a promotion that will take place at a future date.

Handout Checkout, Competitive User Coupons directed at the users of competitors’ brands that are dispensed at retail stores through third-party sponsors via electronic devices.

Handout Checkout, DirectThis format refers to electronically dispensed checkout coupons that are targeted directly to a consumer based on historical purchase data acquired from loyalty card programs.

Handout Checkout, Own User Coupons directed at the users of a manufacturer’s own brand that are dispensed at retail stores through third-party sponsors via electronic devices.

Handout Checkout, Pay-for-Performance Based on volume-generating events requiring 100% consumer compliance, coupons are printed electronically and are valid toward any product on a future shopping trip. With this medium the consumers are made aware of a discount offer in the store prior to checkout. During their shopping trip consumers make the decision to comply with the requirements to receive a coupon offer. When they checkout they will receive a coupon to be used on a future visit.

Handout Employee/Stockholder Coupons distributed only to a manufacturer’s employees and/or stockholders. Coupons are used to give employees and/or stockholders an incentive to purchase the manufacturer’s product(s) at local stores.

Handout Event/Food Show Coupons distributed at events or food shows.

Handout From a Medical Location Coupons distributed to patients at hospitals or doctors’ offices.

Handout In-Store Coupons distributed to consumers at the store level.

Handout In-Store Display Coupons distributed to consumers via displays at the store level.

Handout In-Store Tear Pad A pad of coupons placed in stores near the featured product(s).

Handout In-Store Tear Pad Cross-Ruff A pad of coupons placed in stores near the featured product(s). Consumers are required to purchase a product(s) to receive savings off a different product.

Handout KioskA paper coupon distributed via a kiosk in a retail store.

Handout Newsletter Coupons inserted into company or retailer newsletters, then handed out to consumers.

Handout Shelf Dispenser Manufacturer coupons dispensed at retail stores via boxes attached to the shelves near the featured products.

Handout Trade Coupons distributed through food brokers or retailers where distribution is not controlled by the manufacturer.

Handout with Sample Coupons presented to consumers at retail locations, along with samples of the featured products.


Coupons enclosed in product packaging.

In-Pack Coupons placed loosely inside a product’s package (not printed on the product’s package), which may be redeemed on a subsequent purchase of the same product.

In-Pack Cross-Ruff Coupons placed loosely inside a product’s package (not printed on the product’s package), which may be redeemed on a subsequent purchase of a different product.

In-Pack Cross-Ruff With Sample Coupons placed loosely inside a product’s package (not printed on the product’s package), which may be redeemed on a subsequent purchase of a different product, along with a sample of the featured product.

Instant On-Pack

Coupons attached to product packaging for immediate use at checkout.

Instant On-Pack Coupons attached to product packaging for immediate use at the checkout.

Instant On-Pack Cross-Ruff Coupons attached to product packaging for immediate use on a different product.

Instant On-Pack Factory-Applied Coupons applied to product packaging at the factory for immediate use at the checkout.

Instant On-Pack Field-Applied Coupons applied to product packaging in the retail store by salespeople, brokers, etc. for immediate use at the checkout.

Instant On-Pack Field-Applied Cross-Ruff Coupons applied to product packaging in the retail store by salespeople, brokers, etc. for immediate use at the checkout on a different product.

Instant On-Pack Neck Hanger Coupons attached to the “neck” of product packaging for immediate use at the checkout.

Instant On-Pack Neck Hanger Cross-Ruff Coupons attached to the “neck” of product packaging for immediate use on a different product.


Coupons distributed through magazines.

Magazine – General Coupons printed in and distributed via magazines. Coupons should be coded as Magazine – General only when more specific Magazine Formats are not applicable.

Magazine Freestanding In/Outsert Coupons appearing in four-color pre-printed advertisements in single or multiple page form, delivered as a separate piece inserted into a polybag or similar package outside of and with a magazine.

Magazine Insert Coupons appearing in special advertising sections. The special section is generally of heavier stock and is either bound or placed into the magazine.

Magazine On-Page Coupons printed on magazine pages as parts of advertisements.

Magazine Pop-Up Coupons resembling magazine subscription cards that are bound or freely inserted into magazines.

Magazine with Sample Coupons printed in magazines that are accompanied by samples of the featured products.


Coupons distributed to personnel of the armed services.

Military – General Coupons distributed to personnel of the armed forces. Coupons should be coded as Military – General only when there are no other more specific Military Formats that apply.

Military Bounceback Coupons sent in response to requests from personnel of the armed forces. Typically, armed forces personnel mail their name, address and proof of purchase to the manufacturer, and the manufacturer mails them a coupon in return.

Military Custom Corporate FSI Coupons appearing in four-color weekday advertisements in single or multiple page formats and inserted loose into a daily newspaper. Sponsored by a single manufacturer and distributed to personnel of the armed forces.

Military FSI Coupons distributed in newspapers for personnel of the armed forces, appearing as four-color advertisements.

Military Handout Coupons handed out at military retail locations.

Military Handout In-Store Display Coupons distributed to military personnel via displays at the store level.

Military Handout Shelf-Dispensed Manufacturer coupons dispensed at military locations via boxes attached to shelves near the featured products.

Military In-Ad Coupons distributed in a military commissary’s weekly advertisements or weekly in-commissary fliers, redeemable on the specified products only at that military commissary as allowed by contract with the manufacturers.

Military Instant On-Pack Coupons attached to product packaging sent specifically to military commissaries for immediate use at the checkout.

Military Magazine Coupons printed in magazines for personnel in the armed forces.

Military Mailing Coupons delivered directly to personnel of the armed forces through the mail either in co-op format or solo format.

Military Newspaper Coupons printed in newspapers for personnel of the armed forces.

Military Print At Home Coupons dispensed on the Internet via military/commissary websites, which can be printed on a home printer.

Military Tear Pad Pads of coupons placed in military commissaries, usually on a shelf near the featured product.

Military Tear-Pad Cross-Ruff Pads of coupons placed in military commissaries, usually on a shelf near the featured product. Military personnel are required to purchase a product(s) to receive savings off a different product.

Military with a Sample Coupons presented to personnel of the armed forces with samples of the featured products.


Coupons printed on product packaging for a future purchase.

On-Pack Coupons printed on product packaging to be redeemed on a subsequent purchase of the same product.

On-Pack Cross-Ruff Coupons printed on product packaging to be redeemed on a subsequent purchase of a different product.

On-Pack in a Vending Machine Coupons printed on products purchased from a vending machine.

Retailer In-Ad

Coupons distributed in retailers’ weekly store flyers.

Retailer In-Ad Coupons distributed in the retailers’ own weekly advertisements or weekly in-store flyers. Redeemable on the specified product only at the specified store or chain, as allowed by contract with the manufacturer.

Retailer Solo Insert Inserts distributed in daily or Sunday newspapers, supported by retailers, featuring coupon offers from one or more manufacturers. These inserts are often used by manufacturers to develop relationships with retailers and increase store traffic.

Sunday Newspaper

Coupons distributed via Sunday newspapers.

Sunday Newspaper – General Coupons distributed via the Sunday newspaper. Coupons should be coded as Sunday Newspaper – General only when no other more specific Sunday Newspaper Formats are applicable.

Sunday Broker Coupons printed in Sunday newspapers that are contracted by outside representatives of the manufacturer. Typically, distribution is not controlled by the manufacturer.

Sunday Comics Coupons printed in the cartoon section of the Sunday newspaper.

Sunday Custom Corporate FSI Coupons appearing in four-color, pre-printed advertisements in single or multiple page format. The advertisements are inserted loose into the Sunday newspaper, and each is sponsored by a single manufacturer.

Sunday FSI Coupons appearing in four-color, pre-printed advertisements in single or multiple page formats. The advertisements are inserted loose into the Sunday newspaper.

Sunday FSI Cross-Ruff Coupons appearing in four-color, pre-printed advertisements in single or multiple page formats. The advertisements are inserted loose into the Sunday newspaper. The coupon requires the purchase of a product(s) to receive cents off on a different product.

Sunday Newspaper Door-to-DoorCoupons distributed via Sunday newspaper delivery, either inserted into a newspaper bag, printed on the newspaper bag or printed on a cardboard band that is bound around the newspaper.

Sunday Newspaper On-Page Coupons printed on a Sunday newspaper page.

Sunday Newspaper with Sample Coupons printed in a Sunday newspaper and accompanied by samples of the featured products.

Sunday Magazine Supplement Coupons appearing in a syndicated or independent magazine section that is circulated with the Sunday newspaper.

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