HTML5 Rich Media Creative

Connect with consumers through engaging digital campaigns

Asset Delivery Options

For client-produced HTML5 and/or rich media, assets should be: 

  1. Developed and hosted by client and provided to Vericast account managers as ad tags (per the Digital Art Submission Guide specs page 3 footer callouts).
    ^^In cases where this is not possible, based on ad type, assets should be provided as next follows:
  2. (If HTML5 (non-expanding; non-interstitial))—Assets to be developed by client team per Google ad technical specifications here » and provided to us as local .zip assets of the HTML5 banners for Google Campaign Manager 360/DCM direct file import.
  3. (If Rich Media (expandable/interstitial))—Assets to be developed by client team per Google ad technical specifications, hosted on client’s Google Studio account and provided to Vericast campaign mangers’ Google Campaign Manager 360/DCM account via an “advertiser association” request sent to, followed by subsequent publishing steps upon completion of association.
    ^^Rich media files cannot be imported directly into Google’s Campaign Manager 360/DCM, thus require the client to host on Google Studio and make an advertiser association to transfer creative to our GCM/DCM account. Expandable banners are treated as rich media which we cannot import directly into our account without this step.
    • Google documentation on rich media types is available here »
    • Google documentation on info related to file import methods by creative type is available here ».

Creative Features & Setup Requirements Support

Google provides documentation around HTML5/rich media development of ad creative running via their platform. Your developer may follow available documentation for any feature options planned to be included in their creative builds. Vericast is not responsible for improperly implemented features for client-produced HTML5 and rich media. 

For your convenience, here are Google documentation links to frequently utilized features:

Additional Developer clickTag/exitEvent Support

Below are resources that can help your developers properly setup and test these files:

  • Google HTML5 Validator –  To verify clickTag or exitEvent setup is correct, upload your published .zip package containing image assets, JavaScript files, or other resources that are referenced from within the .html file.
    *Note: A properly configured clickTag/exitEvent does not guarantee the hotspot (i.e., clickable target area) on the ad is also configured correctly (must test by clicking the creative preview for successful clickthrough).
  • Instructional Screenshot below (clickTag Variable Setup)
  • Sample HTML5 Display File Package .zip