Use customer insight for bottom-line growth
46% of financial service organizations don’t maximize use of customer data.1
Financial institutions possess a valuable trove of customer data, but often struggle to harness it for maximum impact. In other cases, the data they have isn’t the data they really need, so the insight the analysis delivers isn’t very helpful.
Customers want — expect — you to use customer data to help them manage their specific financial needs. Our customer and employee insight solution delivers qualitative and quantitative data, meaningful analytics, and penetrating insight to optimize customer experience while helping you better understand and engage your customers.
1Forbes, “How Banks Analyze Your Lifestyle to Make Finance Personal,” October 2019


Improving Your Customer Engagement
What Net Promoter Score® Won’t Tell You

The Vericast Advantage:
Customers value — and feel valued by — your financial institution when you tailor engagement to help them address their specific needs.
Learn More About Customer & Employee Insight

If financial institutions want to build loyal customers, they’ll have to embrace personalization. They must understand how different generations and segments approach banking. Read on to learn more.

If financial institutions want to build loyal customers, they’ll have to embrace personalization. They must understand how different generations and segments approach banking. Read on to learn more.