If you’re like most financial institution marketers, you’re always looking for ways to do more with what you have, to increase efficiency and results. That’s where Custom CheckFolio can save the day! In fact, if CheckFolio were a superhero, this is when it would go into the phone booth an unassuming but smart and innovative check package. After a quick wardrobe change (including your financial institution’s custom artwork, logo and messaging on the outside, and your custom checks and checkpad messaging on inside) it would emerge from the phone booth, transformed into a powerful marketing tool ready for action!
Here are three ways Custom CheckFolio delivers real value in the real world. If your check packaging doesn’t do these things, you’re missing a huge opportunity.
Engage Valuable Account Holders
As account holders increasingly turn to digital self-service channels, financial institutions need new and innovative ways to reach their most valuable account holders. Custom CheckFolio offers customized messaging opportunities to improve brand recognition, create awareness of your products and services, and help you stand apart from the competition.
Enhance Top-of-Mind Awareness
Let’s face it — it’s a real challenge these days to remain top-of-mind with account holders and maintain brand consistency across a multitude of platforms. Custom CheckFolio makes it simple. It delivers multiple, full-color, high-quality branded impressions to check writers over the lifetime of their order. What’s more, unlike other marketing vehicles, you can be confident people will open their CheckFolio, and that your message will be seen.
Make a Statement
Promote your brand and distinguish your institution from the competition by customizing the back of the CheckFolio with a message from your financial institution president, branch and ATM listings or even a description of your community or local charity commitment. You can customize your CheckFolio on the back, spine and front, so your brand remains visible to account holders, whether stored on a desk or in a desk drawer.
Why just deliver checks when you can deliver a powerful marketing message to your most valuable account holders? Why not use Custom CheckFolio to get your financial institution noticed again and again?
Why not become a marketing superhero?
Learn more about Custom CheckFolio here.