February 14, 2024, was no ordinary Valentine’s Day but serendipitously marked the day our special ops Go to Market crew, or as I like to think of them, Cupid’s magical task force, would deliver a new brand and MarTech platform to the industry through a besotted campaign, Fall In Love with Marketing Again.

Our mission: With wings at our side and a story to share, we would fly around the retail atmosphere striking NXTDRIVE arrows through the hearts of every eligible marketer. Okay, so perhaps that mission only existed in the left quadrant of my brain but what we had embarked on was an invitation for marketers to reimagine how they connect and grow their customers. NXTDRIVE is an end-to-end, first-party data solution that fuels marketing efficiency and growth, enabling marketers to return to what they love most about being a marketer.

What is the role of a marketer by today’s definition? The American Marketing Association shares that a marketer can tell a cohesive story, make a product shine, and pull together the data to show their effectiveness. However, we all know the job is much more arduous than that, especially given the seismic shift in consumer expectations, data privacy, and governance. The stark reality is that consumers – and their data – are more complex, requiring a holistic approach that goes well beyond mere textbook knowledge.

As Vericast partnered with marketers across multiple industries, we found that many struggle with a common challenge: maximizing their customer and marketing data. For these marketers, valuable insights remain frustratingly out of reach, buried beneath a mountain of disconnected data.

Over the past decade, the market has become saturated with disparate, often unproven, and costly technology solutions. These ‘solutions’ often fail to effectively manage and activate first-party data for marketers — until now.

Vericast has invested in innovation that empowers marketers to tackle the dynamic demands of the market with confidence. We’ve leveraged decades of experience and our vast knowledge of the consumer to build a MarTech solution that combines the power of a customer data platform with marketing functionality. The result? A single solution that cleans, enhances, and uncovers opportunities from first-party data!

The technology, fueled by years of expertise in managing first-party data and media intelligence for marketers across multiple disciplines, was precisely constructed for marketers by marketers. NXTDRIVE was influenced by marketers through a client advisory program where we selected marketers to help guide our build, ensuring our roadmap was influenced by the fluid requirements of our advisors. From initial vision of the marketing technology software platform to recent commercial launch, together, the group has provided real-time feedback leading to fundamental capabilities, more efficient workflows, UX design, reporting needs, and more. Learn more about how we leveraged real-world use cases from clients during beta development to bolster NXTDRIVE.

With data at the center of dependency and risk, and consumers at the helm, stakes have never been higher. What began as a project of digital transformation, engaging with customers in a new way, quickly became the timeliest solution for marketers stuck in this data conundrum, facing rising pressure to grow top- and bottom-line revenue.

When we began whiteboarding our new brand, we knew it would be the catalyst to smarter, more performant marketing, and our value proposition of technology and tools, overlayed with our human consultative data and media layers, would make life simpler through automation and augmentation.  

What we were building toward was a solution that would enable marketers to tackle their marketing challenges with certitude and be a catalyst for reclaiming their love of marketing.  

The value proposition unearthed the brand … NXTDRIVE enables marketers to fall in love with marketing again. So, we got cheeky with it —

“Bring back fun Mondays,” “Even if your cookies crumble, I’ll still have you,” “You have the most beautiful ROIs,” “I’m falling for your insights,” “You had me at ROI…”

Leveraging retailers’ single greatest asset more intelligently and removing the guesswork from the equation to deliver better outcomes is foundational to NXTDRIVE. Though client results are early, we are already delivering critical insights, impacting first-party data management and market expansion through data enrichment, audience building, and targeting! We are elated to be able to share some of these early testimonials from two of our transformational partners:

Discover why American Furniture Warehouse® chose NXTDRIVE as its go-to customer marketing data platform to help increase market share.

Find out how NXTDRIVE helped Victra™ transform their customer marketing by leveraging the full power of their first-party data.

Delivering actionable insights and recommendations that clients don’t just like but love … is music to our ears.

As for our brand, we are just at the beginning of our journey, but incredibly optimistic about the exposure, engagement, and excitement we are building within the industry!

Haven’t met NXTDRIVE? Well, allow me to introduce you to one simplified solution that uncovers valuable insights from customer data — making it easy to engage customers in a more personalized and meaningful way.

Dive deeper into how NXTDRIVE can transform your approach to customer data and help you fall in love with marketing all over again.