Stat: 68% of frequent QSR diners said rising menu prices are making dining out too expensive

According to a recent report from the National Restaurant Association, 86% of quick service restaurants raised menu prices in 2022.

“The challenge is to get [quick service] consumers through the door and to get them to trade up to high-margin items. We know that the value menu is attractive to consumers — but it’s not going to make the operator enough money.”

Peter Boivin, VP, Head of Industry, Vericast

QSRs should incentivize customers to trade up to high-margin items by offering discounts and coupons, according to Vericast’s January 2023 Awareness-to-Action Study. The study revealed that 23% of heavy quick-service consumers use coupons and discounts to upgrade to the regular menu, and 25% use them to upgrade to a regular item while also adding a value-menu item.

Read the full article at QSR Magazine.